All Americans come from Ohio originally, if only briefly. --- Dawn Powell

Friday, August 26, 2011

Fun Fact Friday: The Shawshank Redemption

"Like something out of a Robert Frost poem"
While working in the office of Spitalfields City Farm the other day, I overheard a cameraman (yes, quite a few come to the farm; in fact, the other week a whole film crew came to shoot a scene for Whitechapel. . .go figure) on the telephone mention The Shawshank Redemption.  I have no idea what the mention was in reference to but it took a tremendous amount of energy on my part to not pipe up with 'Hey, that film was shot in locations near my hometown!!'.  So I'm now sharing this information with those out there that may actually give a damn (well, who knows, maybe that guy would have too).

Weird Coincidence:  The 'Shawshank Tree' (see above photo) where Andy leaves buried money for Red is actually a tree across the road from Malabar Farm State Park but is meant to be in Buxton, Maine in the film.  What's the address of Spitalfields City Farm?!?!?  Yep,  Buxton Street.  Could this be a connection to that cameraman's discussion on the phone?

Filming Location Video
NPR's 'On Location:  Mansfield, Ohio 'Shawshank' Industry'
List of Filming Locations for 'The Shawshank Redemption'
Fan travels along the Shawshank Trail as part of his Bucket List

Friday, August 12, 2011

Perhaps the Devil IS from Akron

Max von Sydow as Leland Gaunt
in Needful Things (1993)
In the 1993 movie "Needful Things," Leland Gaunt (Max Von Sydow) proves to be something far more dangerous than the shop owner he claims to be when he arrives in the Maine town of Castle Rock, which isn't surprising due to it being based on a Stephen King tale.   What's surprising is that Gaunt claims to be an Ohioan, despite his obvious European (Swedish) accent.  Brian Rusk (Shane Meier), a kid who meets Gaunt early in the movie, wonders and asks about his background:

BRIAN: Are you from overseas somewhere?
GAUNT: I'm from Akron.
BRIAN: Where's that? England?
GAUNT: That's in Ohio.

Ray Wise as Satan in Reaper
Ray Wise, who may be best known as Leland Palmer, Laura Palmer's father, in the iconic Twin Peaks, also gave a chilling and comical portrayal of Satan in one of my favorite series, Reaper.  Wise is from Akron, Ohio.

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

From Lucky Slob to "The King of Hollywood" and Glamour God

Flip through any free newspaper in London now and you'll see the advertisement to the left for a photo exhibition in the National Portrait Gallery.  It still amazes me how influential Ohioans were in Old Hollywood especially since we're not typically considered synonymous with glamour nowadays despite being the home of Victoria's Secret.  Many of the early movie moguls and stars came from Ohio roots, which undoubtedly includes 'The King of Hollywood'  Mr. Clark Gable.  I have always cringed when I hear lines from Gone with the Wind being recited and because of that I was reluctant to appreciate 'The King'.  Yet, if you ever catch It Happened One Night, for which he won an Oscar, you'll find a whole different creature, a witty and charming fellow, who apparently was much like Gable himself.

Born in Cadiz, Ohio, on February 1, 1901, William Clark Gable lived and attended school in Hopedale from 1903 to 1917.  After several years as a stage actor, he went to Hollywood, where he made sixty-seven movies in a remarkable career that spanned four decades.  In 1942, following his wife Carole Lombard's death, he joined the U.S. Army Air Corps and was off the screen for three years while flying combat missions in Europe.  Although he was forever changed by the loss of Lombard, he always remained the man that women wanted to be with and the man that other men wanted to be.....incredibly masculine and utterly charming.

“All this ‘King’ stuff is pure bullshit. I eat and sleep and go to the bathroom just like anyone else. I’m just a lucky slob from Ohio who happened to be in the right place at the right time.”-- Clark Gable Article & Documentary
Better Blog Post about Clark Gable: The Lucky Slob from Ohio
The Man, the Myth, the Museum
Clark Gable - The Postal Service