All Americans come from Ohio originally, if only briefly. --- Dawn Powell

Friday, December 31, 2021

Fun Fact(s) Friday: Ohio & Scotland

As I am in Scotland today, thought it might be fun to share some quirky Ohio - Scotland connections.  There's strangely quite a this may be the first post of many.

1.  For fellow craft beer drinkers, Brewdog, which originated in Ellon, Scotland, opened its first US brewery in Columbus, Ohio in 2017.

2.  The total area of Scotland is 77,933 sq km, and the total area of Ohio is 116,096 sq km.  So this humourous video is actually correct about Scotland being smaller than Ohio.

3.  The Scottish Highlands and the Appalachian Mountains were once part of the same mountain range. Much of eastern and southeastern Ohio is covered by the Appalachian mountains or foothills.

4.  Scotland and Ohio share a fascination with folklore and effigies of serpents.  Researchers from University of Glasgow and the Ohio state government have even worked together to study Ohio's Serpent Mound.

Happy Hogmanay!

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