All Americans come from Ohio originally, if only briefly. --- Dawn Powell

Sunday, January 23, 2022

Ohio Mums Against Nuts

Rewatching the third series of After Life to glean more philosophical gems and comfort in coping with my grief.  It was strangley reassuring that a close friend mentioned that Anne speaking with Tony reminds her of in 'Anne is speaking to you', which has prompted me to watch again.  

There isn't a direct reference to Ohio other than a mention of George Clooney in episode 1 and humanity in general.   

While speaking of humanity, Gervais' comedy special Humanity contains a snippet about a Twitter argument referencing a previous joke about how other people's nut allergies shouldn't affect his life.  He coins the group of mothers upset about his seemingly callousness about their children's nut allergies as 'Ohio Moms Against Nuts'.  Now there is only a parody account on Twitter with that name so I don't know if these mothers were actually from Ohio or if as usual, it was used as a moniker for middle America.

From @OhioMumsAGAINST on Twitter

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